Music Ministry
Chancel Choir -
Regular rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:15pm. The Chancel Choir 2017 choir season makes muscial offerings about three times a month. Please contact Jackie Macheel at for more information.
Special music offering opportunities are available through out the year. Please contact Carole Hedrick, 303.798.1356 for more details.
Jubilate Ringers
- Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Please call our handbell director, Cyndy Schauer, 303 798.1356 with questions.
- Are you interested in learning more about playing handbells? If so, then there is an opportunity for you, Wednesdays, at 5:30pm. Bring your enthsuasm and willingness to learn a new skill to the sanctuary where you can be part of this beginning choir. You will learn how to ring and for those of you who don't read music, we will do a "theory" class to learn where "your" notes are located.
Special music offering opportunities are available through out the year. Please contact Carol Hedrick, 303 798.1356.
"There is nothing musically that compares to the unique experience of playing bells. The ringers each add their individual notes to the instrument as a whole. It really is a symbol of 'community' at its finest." - kent mueller
Come join us!
All are welcome!