Faith Advocacy
Does our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) ever take positions on current national and world issues? YES
Does our ELCA ask us to take action on these issues? YES
For example, here are some positions the ELCA asked us to act on just last month:
- Strong action on climate change
- Campaign Finance Reform
- March in People's Climate March
- Humanitarian Aid for E. Jerusalem
- Funding for migrant children
- Stopping the Gaza assault
- EPA standards in Clean Air Act
- Child nutrition standards in schools
Is this a good time to let your voice be heard to help advance the common good? YES
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What is advocacy?
Holy Trinity advocacy group meets monthly to talk about how we can respond to and make our voices heard at the local, state and federal levels in addressing the biblical values of peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, concern for people living in poverty and struggling with hunger and disease. As ELCA Lutherans, we are called to step forward as a public church that witnesses boldly to God’s love for all that God has created.
We are a non-partisan group that wishes to share legislative information provided by the ELCA, the Rocky Mountain Synod, and other sources, which affect the kind of community, state and nation in which we live. Come and join us.