All are invited to worship and participate in the life of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and to commune at God's table.
We welcome all, regardless of religious background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or life circumstances.
We rejoice in the diversity of God's creation, which enriches, nurtures, and expands our life and ministry as followers of Jesus and as servants in the world.
God's grace is for everyone!
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation https://www.reconcilingworks.org/
Sunday Worship Times
8:00am, 9:30am Informal, & 10:45am
December Advent Worship
Tuesdays - December 4, 11 & 18 - 10:00am Advent Worship
Wednesdays - December 5, 12 & 19 - 7:00 pm Advent Worship
Christmas Eve Services
4:00pm Worship - Youth Choir
7:00pm Worship - Chancel Choir
9:00pm Worship - Jubilate Handbell Ringers
Christmas Day Service
10:00am Worship - Carols of the Season